15 Oct 2007 | 9:27 am | Autor: Roc Fages
The researcher on innovation and consultant, Ramon Sangüesa, and myself worked together to elaborate a document for ePractice.eu named: State-of-the-art in Good Practice Exchange and Web 2.0. It was presented at the recent European eGovernment Conference in Lisbon, and now it has been published at the webpage of ePractice (to download it: here).
The document "explores the relationships between good practice exchange through Communities of Practice (CoPs), 2.0 technologies and their consequences for eGovernment in general and, more specifically, ePractice.eu".
In order to do so, we placed "the entire discussion within the larger setting of collaborative knowledge exchange and collaborative technologies, which constitute, at the same time, the core of new economic and social relationships, as well as their main facilitators". On this basis, we "selected three relevant experiences to be analyzed in depth –eCatalunya, Development Gateway and Meetup– and 20 others, which are more generally described, including at the end about 50 more experiences for consideration"
As it’s been said in ePractice webpage, "a general conclusion of the paper is that in order for 2.0 CoPs to work efficiently, one must: plan instead of improvising, think in terms of behavior and not just regulations, and think technologically, as well as in terms of the organization and community culture".
The job was ordered by Infonomia.com through PAU Education. Thanks to them and also to the member of the DG Information Society and Media from the European Commission, Trond Arne Undheim, one of the ‘fathers’ of the actual ePractice.eu.
tags technorati : ePractice Web 2.0 Innovation eCatalunya Meetup Development Gateway Infonomia PAU Education Ramon Sangüesa